Track the Source of Your Job Applies With Simple Technology
When you’re trying to fill an open position, you probably spend a lot of money promoting the job. There are a lot of different places you can list your job opening. You can put it in the newspaper, talk about it on social media or list it on an online forum. It’s important that you track the source of your job applies, so you can better use these tools in the future.
However, you have to know how to accurately track where you are getting candidates from. That’s where an applicant tracking system (ATS) comes into play. Many ATSs provide job applicants with a drop down menu to choose how they found the job posting. This can lead to inaccurate results. Instead of this method, you should consider a simple technology fix.
In order for you to fully understand how you can track the source of your job applies, you have to look at a few features. Consider what an ATS is, its benefits, why the drop down menu is inefficient and how automated tracking can make the system better.
Applicant Tracking System
ATS is a software application that electronically tracks information related to recruitment. This system not only helps you keep track of where you are getting candidates, but can also filter based on keywords, former employers, education history, skills and years of experience. Many companies choose to use an ATS so they can have a central location for all of the information related to the recruitment process and because of the many benefits it offers.
The Benefits
One of the main benefits of an ATS is that it can help you accurately track the source of your job applies if used correctly. Its benefits also include that it can:
-Use a defined workflow to make the recruitment process more automated.
-Open positions to internal hires before external hires.
-Identify potential candidates from inside the company.
Finding promising candidates for an open job position can be a challenge, but an ATS can make the entire process a little bit easier.
Inefficient Drop Down Menus
Many ATSs have drop down menus where applicants can choose how they heard about the job opening. This method, as discussed earlier, can be very inaccurate. You can only have a finite number of options, so the applicant may not even be able to choose the right descriptor of how they found the job.
Another reason this isn’t a good way to track the source of your job applies is because the wording of these drop down menus is often confusing. So either the candidates can’t choose the correct option because it’s not there or because they can’t figure out which one is really right. Thankfully, ATSs offer a better tracking option.
Automated Tracking
Automated tracking allows you to add unique tags that pre-fill the candidate source on the application. These tags are more accurate and make the apply experience better for the potential employees. Not only that, but you get accurate information that will allow you to better use your candidate-searching resources.
This technology is really easy to implement. During the posting stage, you have to use the ATS to add a unique tag to the end of the job apply link. This ATS-generated tag corresponds to a particular posting site. When the applicant clicks on one of the links from a posting site, the tag automatically fills the application with the information about how they found the job opening. Now you’ll have a reliable source of data that shows where candidates are coming from because you can easily track the source of your job applies with some truly simple technology.
The Resources
If you want to implement this type of tracking, you need to work with your ATS contact. Most ATSs can support automatic tagging, so it should be as simple as you taking a tutorial. Some ATS contacts may be able to help you with the implementation of this type of technology. If you don’t already have an ATS, you will have to get one before you can enjoy these benefits. When you start tracking your applies, you can stop using resources that don’t bring in candidates.
Whether you need more information about how to track the source of your job applies, or you want to get ideas about how to improve your business model, you can turn to Mighty Recruiter for all of your business needs. With loads of resources available, you can get tips about hiring top-professionals or improving your workflow. Visit Mighty Recruiter today, and get the tools you need to make your business the best that it can be.