3 Secrets from Successful CEOs who Speak Well
Some people are naturally good public speakers while others will need to practice and develop their skills. Regardless of which camp you fall into, there are a few tips you should always utilize in order to really drive your message across. Your employees will look to you for guidance, but if you do not know how to instill ideas in your workers, then no change will be enacted. Successful CEOs who speak well do a few things differently than inefficient speakers, and there are three tips you should take to heart.
Simplicity Is Key
Many people have a habit of wanting to sound smart and use big words and long sentences that do not ultimately amount to anything. If you want your audience to become engaged in what you have to say, then you need to make sure they are able to follow everything easily. That means using language that is readily accessible and flowing smoothly from one point to the next. If you are explaining to your workers how to use a new type of software, then you do not want to jump haphazardly around various concepts. Successful CEOs who speak well start at point A, move naturally to point B, onward to point C and so on and so forth.
Be in the Moment
One of the biggest ways to lose your audience’s attention is to use a canned speech that could be used in a number of situations. You are not going to earn any fans by taking a speech off the internet, changing a few things and delivering it. You need to be aware of the minutiae that go on in your organization so that you can speak to people’s actual concerns. For example, if your company has recently laid a bunch of people off right before a big luncheon where you are delivering a speech, then you should address that. You do not necessarily need to focus heavily on negative attributes of your business, but successful CEOS who speak well are able to use those situations as opportunities to garner excitement for where the business is heading.
While being an optimist should always be practiced so that you do not sow any seeds of doubt, confronting realities can be an excellent way to earn people’s respect. If you fail to address concerns within the company, then your subordinates may assume you are out of touch or are uncaring. They may immediately start to tune out if they believe you do not care about everybody. By bringing up topics that are on everyone’s mind, you will increase the likelihood that they will pay attention to what you have to say. Otherwise, no one will be able to relate to your speech, and it will all be for nothing.
A Short Speech About a Big Idea
You might be a fantastic public speaker who is incredibly charismatic and energetic, but if your speech lasts an hour or more, eventually people are just going to zone out. The best speeches are those that are relatively short and focus on one central idea. Having a long speech that tries to get a bunch of ideas across is likely to not have any of them stick with people. However, you can have a lot more success by keeping your speech as succinct as possible, and an easy way to do that is to simply address one topic.
Successful CEOs who speak well implement the strategy that was used for President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. It is one of the most instantly recognizable speeches in history, and it is only 271 words long. On the same day the Gettysburg Address was delivered, Edward Everett delivered a speech that lasted for two hours. Look at which one is still quoted to this day. A big speech should not correlate to a long speech. Narrow your focus to a single issue that needs to be addressed within your company.
The next time you are addressing a large group of people, you need to utilize these concepts. They can be a tremendous boost in morale, and they will get your employees excited to work for you. It will not do you much good to do all that speaking if no one is actually listening. Public speaking should lead to tangible advancements within a group, so abide by what successful CEOs who speak well have to offer.
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