You won’t be attracting anyone with your brand if you don’t even know what your brand is. Do an online search to see what kind of results you pull up when you enter the name of your company. Are you perceived as a business that’s keeping up with current technology and trends in your industry? What’s the overall opinion of the way your business operates and your products or services? Does your website look dated, or is it mobile optimized, streamlined and easy to navigate with a strategy that’s clearly modified to attract millennials with branding? Just as you’ll do a background check before hiring an applicant, millennials will do their due diligence on your company before they even apply. Make sure any and everything about your company sends the right message.
Keep Your Employees Interested
The business scene has experienced a slew of changes in a relatively short amount of time. New companies are cropping up by the dozens, and new industry needs are being recognized more than ever before. What this boils down to with millennials is that you’ve got to make sure you not only catch their interest, but keep it as well. Younger employees are more informed about their employment options, and they won’t hesitate to quit a job where they feel they aren’t appreciated or being challenged. While it may not seem like it sometimes, millennials want to remain with a single company long term, it’s just a matter of finding a company that knows how to attract millennials with branding and make them eager to come to work every day.
Act Quick
Something else you should know about younger employees is they’re quick to move on to something else if you don’t catch their attention within the first three seconds. Specifically, you’ll want to take a good and honest look at the career page of your business website. Not only should your site be mobile optimized, it should also be balanced with text and images, maybe even a few video clips. Because younger employees are used to using their phones for everything from their alarms and personal assistants to their navigators and newspapers, you’ll want to have a mobile recruiting strategy. Not only is this strategy likely to make it easier for millennials to find you, it’s also likely to make them apply to your company faster.
Remember Flexibility
Another essential move that should be used to attract millennials with branding is to offer work flexibility. What this means is that you should be more open to the idea of letting your employees work where and how they want to as long as they’re able to get their work done on time. Millennials like the idea of being able to work from home or from a coffeeshop according to their own schedule. Technology has made it easier for groups to work together through videoconferencing, shared documents and online meetings. Flexibility can also improve productivity if employees don’t have to spend time in traffic, dealing with car troubles or even putting on professional attire on days when they’d rather wear pajamas.
Let Your Employees Shape Your Brand
While you’re scraping the sides of your skull in search of ways to attract millennials with branding, make sure you include your current employees with the process, even if they aren’t considered millennials themselves. Ask your team what they like about the company, what they would change and if there are any ideas they would like to contribute about how you can improve your brand and business model.
Don’t Forget to Raise Your Flock
Once you succeed in attracting millennials, don’t forget to train them in order that they are able to learn more about the industry and are able to perform their jobs better, which will give them a confidence boost. Sometimes the best way to fulfill your need for skilled labor is to instill those skills yourself. For more tips on effective ways to attract millennials and other methods of hiring all-star employees, be sure to explore the rest of what Mighty Recruiter has to offer.